Celebrate The Creator Capstone

From today’s reading…

Through him the whole structure is held together

and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord;

in him you also are being built together

into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

Jesus did not come to hang out at home, build some tables and chairs, sleep in on the Sabbath, skip weekly worship services in the Temple so He could catch the game, all while calling himself “spiritual but not religious” in a vain attempt to establish a “personal relationship” with God.

Oh heck no!

He got out and mixed it up.

He prayed publicly.

He worshipped publicly.

He engaged and challenged and loved publicly.

He strengthened those around him publicly.

He called us “Brothers and sisters.”

He made us “fellow citizens.”

He reminded us that we “are no longer strangers and sojourners.”

He showed us how we are one “with the holy ones and members of the household of God.”

He explained the importance “of the Apostles and prophets,” who are “the foundation of” God’s household.

And he demonstrated how He, Himself, is “the capstone.”

Knowing you and I are built together to form a dwelling place for the Spirit of God that will never move nor fall because Jesus is the capstone should be enough to help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.