Charm. Beauty. Fear. Praise.

From today’s reading…

Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty; the woman who fears Yahweh is the one to praise.” Proverbs 31: 30

D.C. is filled with people who try to be charming and beautiful. So is Hollywood, your HOA, and your PTA. Unfortunately, so are your smartphones, your DVDs, and your DVRs. Your friends think “The Real Housewives” series shows reality. You think getting a rose on national TV in front of seven other men you’ve (only?) kissed indicates true love.

We mock athletes who kneel in prayer and celebrate those whole kneel in protest. We discourage prayer, patriotism, and critical thinking in school while we encourage protests, socialism, and safe spaces.

We praise the “courageous” who “explore and celebrate” their sexuality while ignoring their cries for help. (We also ignore the humble, the quiet, the pious because we don’t want to be reminded of who we are called to be—and who we should be—because it’s too easy and pleasurable to allow ourselves to gorge on what society puts so easily within our reach.)

What’s bad is called good.What’s up is called down.That’s why all you seeIs nothing but frowns.

So turn away from society.Say goodbye to the news.Return to Yahweh.Or it’s your soul you shall lose….

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.