Choose Your Master

From today’s reading…

If it does not please you to serve the LORD, decide today whom you will serve,…”

You will and do worship and revere something. It’s impossible not to. (I’ll get into that later.)

Maybe it’s sleep.

Maybe it’s luxury cars and watches and private jets. (That’s what’s on your vision board, right?)

Maybe it’s sex or bodybuilding or alcohol or food.

Maybe it’s celebrities and Hollywood.

Maybe it’s sports and professional athletes.

Maybe it’s your social media presence.

Maybe it’s power and status.

Maybe it’s your boss.

Maybe it’s Corporate America and the rickety ladder they give you to climb.

If you don’t know what it is that you worship and revere then you’re worse than a lemming. You’re a blind lemming. You’re a plane flying on autopilot with no GPS. You’re a puppet, a slave to the Zuckerbergs, Heffners, Hitlers, and self-help goo-roos of the day.

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” ~Rush in “Freewill”

It’s time you stopped merely going with the flow and decided to finally…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.