Choose Your Slavery Wisely

From today’s reading…

Do you not know that if you present yourselves

to someone as obedient slaves,

you are slaves of the one you obey,

either of sin, which leads to death,

or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?”

It’s interesting when I see people say they don’t believe in religion or that they are “spiritual but not religious” or that they belief in “separation of church and state” or that they don’t believe in “a magic man in the sky” but then I see how they conduct themselves.

Since we were literally made in the image of God, we were made to worship.

You see it in the never-ending stream of body-building pictures, fancy cars/homes pictures, sports posts, political posts, climate change posts.

The same people who are “enlightened” and “too smart” to have a magic man in the sky dictate how they live don’t recognize the total lack of depth and meaning in their own lives.

From the outside looking in it’s as obvious as a fart in church.

Ignore the noise, the pomp, and circumstance. Turn away from the bread and circus. Rise above the static and confusion. Strive to live a life that is deeper than rock-hard abs or a watch collection.

You know whom to obey. Now pray that you have the courage to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.