Chris Hallberg, The Business Sergeant, Will Help You Sell

Read your prospects to sell how they want to buy

Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

Sales Tips you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast

  • Founder of The Business Sergeant

  • Have a team-based military mindset

  • 70% of Americans are disengaged at the workplace

  • Systems create safety

  • Working with the leadership team offsite

  • The Entrepreneurial Operating Sysem® or EOS® (“Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business” by Gino Wickman) 

  • Use your systems as scaffolding, not a box

  • “Systematize the predictable so you can humanize the exceptional.” Jim Collins

  • Prizes for winners

    • The winner of The Masters wins a green jacket

      • He brought out “The Masters” green polo shirt for the top salesperson the previous month

      • Coffee machine, parking spot, recliner in the office

    • Badges for sales reps like a medal that sales reps wore in the field

  • Napoleon’s quote on the power of yellow ribbons

  • Start with the C-Suite. They delegate down to the experts below them so ask them what’s not working. That’s what they’re working on.

  • Talk to the people who use what you offer and ask where they are failing.

    • What are they crushing?

    • What are they missing?

    • Build some rapport.

  • The Six Key Components of the 137 problems you have in business

    • The Vision Component of the leadership—8 simple questions

    • The People Component

    • The Data Component (doesn’t lie)

    • The Issues Component(open and honest)

    • Process (our way)

    • The Traction Component (meeting pulse)

  • Find out what people need and help them with it

  • You can’t sound like everyone else sounds

  • Practice. Drill. Rehearse.

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast