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  • Clint Arthur: Get On TV, Master Publicity, Grow Your Business

Clint Arthur: Get On TV, Master Publicity, Grow Your Business

About Today’s Guest on The Sales Podcast

Clint Arthur likes to be in control.

In 1999 when he was still driving a taxi he got straightened out by a business coach.

He graduated from Wharton Business School with a 4.0 and he chased an odyssey in Hollywood for a decade that resulted in him driving a taxi!

He got a coach who told him to not do anything he wasn’t in total control of. In the movie industry he had agents, screenwriters, etc. and he got out of the habit of getting things done on his own. Hear how he turned things around.

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  • When Clint Arthur was starting out, trying to get publicity, he paid a publicist $1,500 per appearance on TV but had mediocre results.

    • His wife asked him why he didn’t do it on his own…so he did. After a year he got 11 appearances, 7 of which he got on his own.

    • He worked his way up.

    • He then created a mathematical formula to get people on TV.

    • He and his students have been on more than 1,344 news programs.

    • You maintain control. You know who has been pitched and who hasn’t.

Maintain control of your publicity” says Clint Arthur, who has a mathematical formula to get you on TV.

  • When it comes to delegation his main job is to generate revenue.

    • He hasn’t found anyone who can close like he can.

    • Marketing is a different matter.

    • It can be delegated but still managed.

Your main job is to generate revenue.”

  • He has 7 types of hooks to get you publicity and they are covered in his book “Breakthrough Your Upper Limits on TV

    • Timely – it’s in the news now. He told a handwriting analyst to call news stations and say “I can analyze Robin Williams’ handwriting and tell you why he was about to kill himself.”

    • Evergreen – everyone loves coffee. A nutritionist went on The View and showed them how to make the perfect cup of coffee.

    • Celebrity-Themed Hook – He used one to get on NBC New York – “the President predicts George Clooney will never be President but Eli Manning could be” – On President’s Day.

    • Tech Hook – Everyone loves tech today. The iPhone 6 is coming out so if your’e a computer expert or cell phone expert go on a TV show and talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of the new iPhone. His client has done 4 segments like this. He did two stations in the same city in the same day.

  • You need to know how to pitch.

  • Now’s the time to become a celebrity and to book yourself on the shows.

  • It took him three years of time to go on the Today show and he ended up getting interviewed by Brooke Shields.

  • TV is willing to let regular people on.

You need to know how to pitch one of these 7 publicity hooks.”

  • You have to pick up the phone and talk to people and make your pitch. Call the producer in a professional way that demonstrates you know what they need and show that you can walk talk and chew gum and follow up with a Segment Proposal and it’s easier than you think.

  • How many no’s are you willing to take?

  • Start in small cities and work your way up to the national segment.

    • His 7th appearance was Biloxi. His first was Phoenix. Phoenix was too large for him to start.

    • You have to learn how to deliver your presentation on TV. Messaging strategy. Performance strategy. Props. Demonstrations. Hot buttons for the audience.

  • David Bach helped him learn.

  • Clint guarantees his results. He was on USA Today on New Year’s Eve live.

Start in small cities and work your way up to the national segment.”

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