Come See Me

From today’s reading…

Make every effort to come and see me as soon as you can.” 2 Timothy 4:9

Paul had been deserted, just like Jesus had been.

Was Paul worried, saddened, afraid?


We know Jesus’s sweat turned to blood the night He was taken prisoner, so I would expect Paul to be a tad bit worked up as well.

Jesus took His three closest apostles to pray with Him, so it makes sense that Paul would want Timothy and Mark to join himself and Luke, who had not abandoned him.

“But Paul spoke with God. He knew he was called. He knew he was saved. He knew heaven awaited him. Why was he worried or saddened or afraid or lonely?”


The toughest person you know is worked up over something.

They are carrying a fear, a worry, a doubt, an anxiety.

Maybe it’s rational.

Maybe it’s irrational.

Regardless, they are carrying it, but you are too busy hitting them up for favors, for tips, for insight, for a hand up, for some sort of favoritism or gift or bonus that you never see it. You are the sleeping apostles on the Mount of Olives.

Do better.

Go see someone that you haven’t seen in a while.

Offer your own tip, suggestion, favor, or compliment.

Buy them coffee or lunch or a beer.

Re-Tweet them.

Give them a recommendation on LinkedIn.

Give them a 5-Star Google Review.

Give them a shoutout on Facebook.

Let them know you have their back, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.