Come To Your Senses

From today’s reading…

So now, you kings, come to your senses, you earthly rulers, learn your lesson!” Psalm 2:10

In 1 John 3 & 4 today we are reminded that there are fakes, phonies, and frauds among us. Even worse, the antichrist is their leader.

John knew this because he knew what was written in the Psalms and he knew what Jesus proclaimed and we read in Matthew 4:17, “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is close at hand!”

If you watched much “Leave It to Beaver” or “The Andy Griffith Show,” you know how a kind, patient, loving dad always wants to give his kids ample opportunities to come clean and make amends for their mistakes.

Not only that, a loving father also gives his kids great advice on how to keep their noses clean so they don’t have to face their father’s wrath.

But once it’s time to render judgment and dole out the punishment, it comes swiftly and just as they warned it would.

We have some earthly rulers today that need to come to their senses.

They think they are kings and queens.They are drunk with power.They think they are above the law.They are full of pride, which we know comes before the fall.

And it will be a painful fall, which happens to arrogant leaders—and their enabling supporters—who fail to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.