Command Your World With (Wise?) Words

From today’s reading…

For the Lord himself, with a word of command,

with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God,

will come down from heaven,

and the dead in Christ will rise first.”

The power of the spoken word is seen in the third verse of the first chapter of the first book of the Bible:

Then God said: Let there be light, and there was light.”

God spoke the universe into existence and He will speak the location—and temperature—of your eternity into existence as well.

But why does He speak all creation into existence? Why doesn’t he just think it into existence?

I think it’s because like all good fathers, He wants to lead by example. He knows that for us, motion beats meditation.

Yes, thinking is good. Thinking is hard. Good thinking is really hard, which is why it is so rare. But even the best of thoughts are useless without proper action. And proclaiming what is to be done so you and those around you and under your charge and care are clear on it, is step one of right action.

Case in point: alcoholics anonymous meetings.

In AA new members must stand and speak their current world into existence in order to bring about their better, preferred, even optimal world

With those four words, “I am an alcoholic,” it is said they are halfway to their new life.

Since we are created in God’s image we, too, have the power to speak worlds into existence both for ourselves and those who can hear us.

Is life too hard, unfair, unjust?

Or is life a blessing, a miracle, a gift?

Are resources scarce, limited, and over-priced?

Or do you need to expand your thinking and be more creative to organize unique combinations of people and ideas?

Are the issues you face insurmountable obstacles or opportunities to excel?

Does God hate you and is cursing you for being a fallen, weak, sinful soul He regrets ever creating, or is He a patient, loving Father who knows you need to be lured from the nest if you are ever going to fly?

Knowing how to fly over the chaos and confusion is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.