Conceited Teachers Should Be Shunned

From today’s reading…

Whoever teaches something different

and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ

and the religious teaching

is conceited, understanding nothing,

and has a morbid disposition for arguments and verbal disputes.”

So Paul knew what Jesus wanted him to teach and he conveyed that clearly and accurately to Timothy.

But somewhere between Timothy and Joel Osteen…something different has been taught.

It is your job, my job—our jobs—to not trust Joel Osteen or T.D. Jakes or Cash Luna or Billy Graham or Robert Tilton or Brigham Young or Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell or L. Ron Hubbard or the Pope or Muhammed or C.S. Lewis or Martin Luther but to dig in and do our own research to find not “my truth” or “your truth” but THE Truth.

It does exist but many have attempted to blur it, hide it, and distract us from it with shiny objects and other temptations.

Just go to the source.

That is where you can ask for—and receive—the strength, the drive, the endurance, and the passion to… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.