Confess With Your Mouth (and Life) That Jesus Is Lord

From today’s reading…

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord

and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,

you will be saved.”

“See Wes! SEE? When were ya SAVED? Hmmm? When was your altar-call? Can ya tell me?”

Oh, good grief. Let me break this down fer ya. 

Context. Is. Everything.

I know you mean well.

I know you love your “prosperity Gospel” and you’ve been persuaded to give money to that preacher man with the stylish hairdo, bleached teeth, and charmin’ twang who tells ya…

Hold up ya Bible and say it like ya mean it that Jesus is your personal Lord and Savior so you can be saved.”

Sure, Paul says similar words today, but I’ll say it again.

Context is everything.

In 56 A.D. in Rome, the recipients of Paul’s letter weren’t hanging out in a 16,800 square foot arena with A/C, a thumping PA system, big screen TVs, laser light shows, and padded seats.

In 56 A.D. Rome, saying out loud that you were a Christian was almost as risky as walking to get a Subway sandwich at 2 AM during a Chicago winter storm.

Today, “Christians” won’t comment on a social media post because it’s too “dangerous, hostile, or confrontational.” (Being “crucified” online, i.e. “ratioed” or “canceled,” is NOT as bad as being literally crucified. The fact I have to say that makes me just SMH. But I digress.) 

In 56 A.D. in Rome, professing your love of God meant arrest, torture, and death. (Sounds like Afghanistan, Iraq, and many other Muslim and/or African nations…but I digress yet again.)

Case in point, Paul.

Over many months that included being shipwrecked and getting bitten by a snake, Paul was transported the 1,434 miles from Jerusalem to Rome (it’s 1,438 miles to drive from Los Angeles to Dallas, fyi.) in chains for confessing with his mouth that Jesus is Lord. (It is believed he was eventually beheaded there by Nero for his statements and beliefs.)

Today, Christians and Christianity is still under attack.

Babies are being murdered both in the womb and even on the delivery table after a botched abortion.

The family is being torn apart by sexual sins of pornography, adultery, and pedophilia.

The government is trying to take the place of both parents while Hollywood relegates fathers to the trash bin.

And local communities take our tax dollars to show elementary school children how to put condoms on with the mouths and have grown men dress in drag and shake their posteriors to children as young as one.

Yes, please follow Paul’s complete example and confess loudly and often that Jesus is Lord and put your life on the line to do so because your example is needed to help others…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.