Correct and Advise Your Children

From today’s reading…

And parents, never drive your children to resentment but bring them up with correction and advice inspired by the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4

Newsflash 1: putting your 8-year-old on puberty blockers is not bringing them up according to God’s will.

Newsflash 2: allowing your child to chop off their genitals because they are confused is not bringing them up according to God’s will.

Newsflash 3: stepping out to “experience what you missed in life because you got married young” will drive your children to resentment.

Newsflash 4: forcing your kids into private coaching at age five and holding them back in school so they can dominate in sports because you were a mediocre athlete 25 years ago will drive your children to resentment.

Newsflash 5: allowing your children to throw temper tantrums, buying them everything they want, not assigning them chores, and letting them lounge around the house instead of getting a part-time job as soon as they are big enough to push a mower, walk a dog, babysit, wash a car, or bus a table at a restaurant is not bringing them up according to God’s will.

We’ve become a nation of non-thinking, overreacting, sensitive, pampered idiots who look to the government for help instead of our family, our neighbors, and God. Fix that—today—because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.