Cover Yourself. You’re Too Happy!

From today’s reading…

“When he finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face.”

Good ol’ Moses was “in the zone.”

He was so fired up with his mission and what he was being told as he was hanging out with The Ultimate Life Coach that he radiated…and it made everyone around him uncomfortable so he had to cover himself.

It reminds me of the crab mentality.

Being from the South we were always boiling crawfish and crabs but before you boil them you purge them.

Essentially that means simply putting them in a bucket and rinsing them with clean water.

However, as soon as you put them in the bucket the ones on top would try to crawl out but they could rarely make it out because those below would reach up and pull them down.

”…no prophet is accepted in his own native place.”

Being passionate about something is needed to carry you through to the end…but most have allowed their passion to subside.

Being on fire about something is needed to carry you over the obstacles that are part of life…but most have allowed their fire to be extinguished.

Living the Truth will bring you internal peace…but most are afraid of and threatened by the truth…so you will be shunned, attacked, ridiculed, and experience external turmoil.

But when those around you awaken and are ready to restore the passion, rekindle the fire, and step into the Truth…they’ll know who to turn to.

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Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.