Craig Ballantyne: Create Your Perfect Day

Learn how the Early To Rise founder creates momentum to grow his sales

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Know your value and vision

  • Two types of people

    • Proactive

    • Reactive

  • The path of least resistance is to hit the snooze button and fit in

  • We procrastinate

  • Step back

  • If you have a shotgun approach to goal-setting you’ll never hit them

  • It’s okay to have multiple goals but only in one area of your life

  • Very successful people say no to almost everything

  • Your “not-to-do” list is more important than your “to-do” list

  • Build a fence around yourself so you can do deep work

    • Limit your social media time

    • Limit your drinking

  • Positive reinforcement gives you momentum

  • Lack of structure lead to anxiety attacks in 2006-2007

  • He worked and partied too much

  • Get up earlier to have time to yourself to work on important things and build momentum

  • Steven Covey’s four quadrants

  • It’s hard to grow alone

  • Follow the virtuous cycle

  • Napoleon Hill had a virtual mastermind

  • Just get started

  • How to find your ideal mentor

    • Been there and done that

    • Shares your morals and ethics

    • Check references

  • Why you need “The Brain Dump”

  • “Ready. Fire. Aim.”

  • Put end times into your schedule

  • Start with a 3-year vision (he helps you with a 10-year vision in his one-on-one coaching)

  • Gino Wickman calls them “hallucinations”

  • His big goals for 2019

  • He uses business media, not social media

  • Joe Polish’s advice on social media

  • Bob Burg

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Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast