Cultivate and Care

From today’s reading…

The LORD God then took the man

and settled him in the garden of Eden,

to cultivate and care for it.”

When all was good in the world; before the fall of man; before original sin; before disease and the common cold; before Congress and the IRS; before the prevent defense and instant replay; before sour cream, mushrooms, and tofu…man worked.

He was not made to sit under the shade tree, sippin’ lemonade, and reading National Geographic.

Because he was made in the image of God he worked. He was productive. He produced. He was a good steward of what was given to him.

Later on, we’ll read about how his greed, curiosity, and free will got the better of him, but for today let us seek to understand that cultivating and caring for what you have been given is the only way to… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.