Cure Them All

From today’s reading…

A large number of people from the towns

in the vicinity of Jerusalem also gathered,

bringing the sick and those disturbed by unclean spirits,

and they were all cured.”

Everyone loves a good comeback story. The apostles were on fire and their energy was contagious.

So contagious that despite the risk of offending the Jewish elders and Roman leadership, “great numbers of men and women, were added to them.”

People know the truth when they see it, when they hear it, and/or when it slaps them in the face so hard it wakes them from their comfortable stupor and they get on board.

You know the Truth and you can proclaim it louder than even the cabal of Fake News purveyors simply by the manner in which you conduct yourself, which means you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.