Delegate or Stagnate

What is your brilliant activity? What is it you do without effort? What do you do better than anyone else?

Go do more of that and outsource/delegate the rest.

I don’t keep my books. I don’t clean my house. I don’t do my own taxes. I don’t babysit clients and I don’t listen to whiners or complainers.

I sell. I market. I create content. I speak. I train. I consult. I coach. I do podcasts and speak at live events.

I have an assistant that schedules appointments for me. I have a team that builds websites, does graphical design and manages client projects and I strategize with them to deliver quality work and results for our clients.

But I don’t do the day to day interaction and Q&A. That’s not my forte.

That’s why I’m growing.

What is your forte? Do more of that and you’ll grow, too.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,

Wes Schaeffer Infusionsoft Sales & Sales Training Signature