Delight In His Will

From today’s reading…

…my delight is to do your will; your law, my God, is deep in my heart.” Psalm 40:8

You’re tired, scared, anxious, and confused because the devil wants you that way.

You’re pushing the wrong rocks up the wrong hills at the wrong time for the wrong reason encouraged and cheered on by the wrong people with the wrong motivations.

God doesn’t want you screaming at bots on Twitter, shouting at strangers on Facebook, going down “rabbit holes” on YouTube, or chatting with catfishers on Instagram.

The devil is cruel because he is cunning and smart. He’s like a cat and you’re his tiny mouse.He toys with you. He likes to see you struggle. He lifts his paw just long enough to give you hope that you can escape so you garner every last ounce of energy you have to spring up and sprint away only to be slapped against the wall then pinned to the ground more exhausted, frustrated, and sad than you were before.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can look the devil in the eye and refuse to fear him. Refuse to play the game. Draw on Jesus’s example in the desert and realize there is more to life than the lies the devil offers.

Realize the only reason to live is to discover God’s will and then live it. But as long as you are frantic and exhausted, panicked and fearful, exerting maximum effort for minimum results to achieve goals the devil has convinced you are where you should be aiming, you will never know what God has for you.

So relax. Go slow because slow is smooth…and smooth is fast. Got it? Good.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.