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  • Did you hear about the Swede who believed in reincarnation?

Did you hear about the Swede who believed in reincarnation?

There was a Swede who believed in reincarnation.

He wanted to be Bjorn again.

Yes, I’ll be here all weekend. Be sure to tip your waiters and waitresses.

While the Swede can hope to be Bjorn or born again, you and I only get one ticket for this 584 million mile annual ride around the Sun, so get on with getting on with it.

In order to get on with getting on with it you must first know where you are then get clear on where you’re going.

Most in this world know neither.

The typical homosapien walking around is too busy placing blame on their parents, their spouses, their ex-spouses, the government, global warming, global cooling, their neighbors who play the TV too loud, traffic, or the ozone layer (is it shrinking or growing during this latest scare?) to know where they are and they sure as heck have no idea where they are going.

While I’ve never been to AA I’ve had more than a few family members attend and I know the adage that admitting you have a problem means you’re halfway to the cure.

Your bank account is an accurate representation of the good and bad choices you’ve made in your life.

Sure, maybe you had a business partner or three pull a fast one on you. (I’ve lost well over $150,000 in that manner via several different transactions with “friends” so you’re not alone.)

Maybe you lost it all in the Great Recession.

Maybe you lost it all in this latest oil collapse.

Maybe you got laid off three times in two years, twice on your birthday. (That would be me.)

Maybe you were on unemployment when two of your kids were born. (That would be me, too.)

Wherever you may find yourself, guess what? You put yourself there.

You chose the business partners. You placed too much hope in a market or a company or a boss. Or maybe you placed too little hope in them. Maybe you didn’t do your research. Maybe you put too much on your plate and got overwhelmed and when you took your eye off the ball…you got hit in the head.

It’s your fault.

Own it. Stand up. Dust yourself off. Plot a course. Get on with it.

Sometimes it’s easier said than done.

That’s where your friends help you out here…http://www.InboundSellers.com.

For any inquiries about crm, sales training and more contact us now!

Now go sell something.