Do Everything He Has Told You

From today’s reading…

When Moses came to the people

and related all the words and ordinances of the LORD,

they all answered with one voice,

‘We will do everything that the LORD has told us.’”

A few months ago my wife and I got only our second brand new car in our 23.5 years of marriage.

To say my wife was excited would be an understatement. She was so excited she eagerly and earnestly proclaimed…

The kids will not eat in this car!”

Wanna guess how long that lasted?

About as long as the Israelites agreed to do “everything that the Lord has told us.”

It is said that “familiarity breeds contempt.” We know that is true because “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” 

So we should not get too close to God and His word, right? I mean, you want to grow fond of God, right? So you should stay home on Sundays and nurse a hangover while watching the NFL, right?

What’s that, you say? “Out of sight, out of mind” is also true, you say?

Hmmm. That does pose a problem.

If God is out of site, He’s out of my mind, but absences makes the heart grow fonder, and contempt stems from familiarity.

So which is it?

Go to God’s house on Sunday or watch the game?

Will getting to know God help me fall deeper in love with Him or develop contempt for Him and all of His laws?

If our new car is any indication, the more we’ve learned about it the more we appreciate and value it. (Can you “love” a car? We’re close!)

And after 24 years of getting to know my wife,  the more I appreciate and value and love her.

So record the Sunday games.

Spend more time with the Lord.

Emulate the earnestness of the Israelites in today’s reading and you’ll find yourself more in love with the Lord.

As your love of Him grows, so will your love of His teachings.

As your love of His teachings grow, so will your desire to do everything He instructs you to do, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.