Do You Lead By Good or Bad Example?

From today’s reading…

Saul then said to David: ‘You are in the right rather than I;

you have treated me generously, while I have done you harm….

May the LORD reward you generously for what you have done this day.’”

1 Samuel 24

Saul let his power and his pride and his vanity and his paranoias get the best of him and he nearly had David killed because of it—and David could’ve killed him.

But David was patient, kind, and understanding.

David respected the will of God. He respected tradition. He respected those anointed by God, even when that one was not acting in accordance with God’s will.

David understood that as soon as he made one exception, especially in front of his men, it would be easier for all of them to make another exception, and before long, the only rules and standards would be the lack of rules and standards.

Both Saul and David were leading by example.

Saul was showing how to lose a kingdom and his life, while David was showing how to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.