Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you.

I’m fortunate to have a backyard with a view of my earthly surroundings as well as the stars above every evening.

It is humbling, relaxing, and energizing to go out back at night and just look up.

With iPods and Androids and iPhones and Cable TV and Facebook and XM satellite radio it’s easy to never have a quiet moment to yourself and that’s a hard way to live.

Not all activities need to be done.

Not all activities that need to be done need to be done now, which I discuss in more detail in episode #5 of The Sales Podcast.


Personal Development Exercise For You

After you read this, see how long you can sit in silence doing nothing but thinking (and maybe praying…not a bad thing to do on a daily basis, especially this month, the month of the birth of our Lord and Savior.)

If you need a little help finding a topic to ponder, think of the story of Martha and Mary in Luke chapter 10.

Jesus had come to visit and Martha was running around like crazy preparing the meal, setting the table, pouring drinks, (kicking the dog) while Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened.

Jesus tells us to not be anxious. To focus on “the good portion.”

Productive work is good.

Busy work is not.

Work for work’s sake is not good.

Know the difference by stopping what you are currently doing and just stand there.

After you just stand there long enough, you’ll know what to do.

Now start stopping.