Double Down On The Last Day Of The Week

From today’s reading…

On the sixth day, however, when they prepare what they bring in,

let it be twice as much as they gather on the other days.”

Work hard then relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.From the beginning we were meant to work.From the beginning we were meant to rest.

On the last day of the six day work week the Israelites didn’t have “casual Friday.” They actually worked twice as hard so they could have everything prepared ahead of their day of rest to truly rest.

They took their work and their rest seriously.

Today we hear, “Hard work never killed anyone…but why take a chance?” (Returns to playing solitaire on his company computer.)

You need to rest, but to truly rest you must get done what needs getting done, which means you must focus.

But we don’t focus anymore.

Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London studied 1,100 workers and found that multitasking with electronic media caused a greater decrease in IQ than smoking pot or losing a night’s sleep.

That’s why the quality of your work is suffering.That’s why you’re not getting as much done despite working longer hours.That’s why you can’t be home for dinner or enjoy your family on the weekend because you “have some catching up to do.”

Ever notice how much work you get done on a plane when you turn off all communication with the outside world? That’s the power of focus. Get more quality work done faster and have a better quality of life.

In other words, run through the finish line.Finish what you started.Put your back into it.Then kick off your shoes and sit a spell. 

You’ve tried it your harried, frantic, modern, enlightened, empowered way.Why not try it the right way? What have you got to lose besides some stress,…and the bags under your eyes,…and maybe those few extra inches around your midsection that feed on your anxiety and distracted life?

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.