Dr. Tony Alessandra, The Doctor of DISC

Read your prospects to sell how they want to buy

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DISC Personality Tips you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast…

  • DISC and many other assessments

  • Four basic patterns of behavior

    • Dominant

    • Interacting / Influencing

    • Steady / Amiable / Relator

    • Conscientiousness / Cautious / More of a thinker or analytical type

  • Personal development, team building, leadership development, sales effectiveness, selection of job hires/new-hire candidates, etc.

  • DISC Fitness System at Assessments 24×7

    • Benchmark: 

      • The job

      • The ideal candidate

      • What you’re shooting for in a new hire

    • Match candidates against the benchmark

Know yourself to grow sales with Steven Sisler on The Sales Podcast.
  • There is a simplicity and practicality in DISC

  • Other tools like MBTI are great for internal assessments, but they can be confusing and often needs an expert to interpret them

  • DISC gives you two basic scores

    • Personal

    • Adapted: how I behave when I’m with others and have to change my pattern to reduce conflict

  • In Carl Yung 1927 wrote “Psychological Types”

  • “The Emotions of Normal People”

  • “Professor Marston and the Wonder Women”

  • Look at characters in the public domain to understand how to identify and anchor the concept of DISC profiles in sales

    • “The Odd Couple” was a classic with only two characters who clashed between “I” and “C”

    • “Seinfeld”

      • Jerry – “S”

      • Elaine – “D” and some “I”

    • Famous people can fall out of favor, so he doesn’t use them any longer in his books and training

    • So use historical characters who are dead with no baggage

  • In sales, get the customer talking more than you with open-ended questions

    • Make two either-or decisions as they talk

      • Are they more open or guarded?

      • Are they more direct or indirect?

    • Direct but guarded = D

    • Direct but open = I

    • Indirect and open = S

    • Indirect and guarded = C

    • If they’re open then start with more chit-chat

    • If they’re guarded then get to the point

    • If they’re direct, then move faster

    • If they’re indirect, then move slower

Read people like a book, Bill Stierle on The Sales Podcast
  • He sold door-to-door during the summers in New Jersey while in college

    • He had a 3-ring binder and flipped through it

    • He wouldn’t pick up the hint when people wanted to slow down or speed up

  • How to handle a High D

    • It’s a bit difficult

    • They want to run the show

    • If you butt heads, it could be the end

  • How to handle High S’s and C’s (indirect and slower-paced)

    • Information-driven (C more so)

    • The S likes to get others involved, while the C may make the decision on their own 

    • Go in prepared

    • Understand their needs

    • Give them options

    • Give them data and documentation

    • The “Cs” want to sleep on it

    • Clarify with them, “Do you have all the information you need to make a decision?”

    • Have an agenda and cover it with them upfront

    • Don’t wing it

    • Admit when you don’t know

  • Task-oriented: D & C

    • C’s are slower and like data more

    • D’s are risk-takers

    • C’s want all the options

    • D’s want a couple of options

  • Relation-oriented: I & S

  • S vs C

    • Both procrastinate

    • S’s procrastinate getting started

    • C’s procrastinate finishing

  • The three V’s

    • Verbal

    • Vocal

    • Visual

  • Take his Sales IQ assessment—48 questions

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