Earn Your Rest On Your Last Day

From today’s reading…

Since on the seventh day God was finished

with the work he had been doing,

he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken.”

This is taken from the first of the seven readings today, which do not include the seven Responsorial Psalms, the Epistle, or the Gospel.

To say the Easter Vigil Mass is a big deal would be an understatement.

I see it as a metaphor that we are to pray and worship as hard and as focused as God did “In the beginning,..” when He spent the first six days creating the universe.

He earned a day of rest on the last day of the week.

In our worship and in our lives, which should closely resemble one another, we should be just as committed to being found worthy of a joyous eternal rest when our last day arrives.

The only way to make that happen is to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.