Eat The Flesh of the Son of Man

From today’s reading…

Jesus replied to them: In all truth I tell you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” John 6:53

Secularist big-government-loving anti-gun vegans who think food comes from delivery drivers, who only worship their six-pack abs, and who joyfully sacrifice their children at the altar of Planned Parenthood death mills to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and not to cancel their travel plans don’t understand the profound wisdom and impact of a Jewish sacrifice in their Temple and how shocking Jesus’ words would have been to an Israelite two thousand years ago.

In our enlightened, YOLO FOMO LGBTQQIP2SAAABGBS2Cis3CCOFFTM/MTFGEGIGH2IOTM TW+8th-Gender-Alien venti latte, spiritual but not religious, sound bowl, essential oil lives of today, we mock, ridicule, and disdain anyone who seeks Truth vs. “their truth,” which means seeking God rather than a higher power or the universe or energy being via traditions and rituals developed over 5,000+ years by men and women far wiser than we’ll ever be.

Look at how the baby-killers are reacting to the SCOTUS leak on Roe v. Wade to get an idea of how shocked the Jews listening to Jesus would’ve been as they heard Him utter those words about His body and blood because they knew the life-sustaining nature of blood because of the Passover and the redemptive nature of sharing a sacrificial meal.

If Jesus were delivering this message at a college campus today, they would’ve run out of safe spaces, all classes, homework, labs, quizzes, and exams would’ve been canceled indefinitely, and counselors would’ve been flown in from around the nation to help the triggered students and professors cope with such a message.

Which begs the question: what gives you life?

What sustains you?

If it’s the flesh and blood of Jesus, where do you get it? It’s not hard to find.

Just open your eyes like Saul did today in Acts 9, and you’ll know where to find Him, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.