Eat Up To Speak Up

From today’s reading…

It was covered with writing front and back,

and written on it was:

Lamentation and wailing and woe!” Ezekiel 2:10

Ezekiel had to open his mouth and eat the scroll the Lord provided. He had to consume the Word of the Lord. (Hmmm…where do we later see the Word made flesh…and dwelling among us…and then the flesh given for us to consume…as in daily bread? Hmmm…?)

Yet despite the tough message, the difficult message, the message of pain and suffering, i.e. the difficulty in picking up the cross and following in the footsteps of Jesus, when we take up the yoke of the Lord and swallow His tough pills, we learn from Him, who is “meek and humble of heart.” (Matthew 11:29)

We see this in Ezekiel 3:2 where he writes “I ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth,” which is reiterated today in Psalm 119, “How sweet to my taste is your promise!…How sweet to my palate are your promises, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

When we are filled with the goodness of the Lord we’ll have the power to speak the words to those who need to hear it as Ezekiel did, which will help us, and everyone who hears it,…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.