Einstein’s Three Rules of Work Will Grow Your Sales

Einstein’s genius was shown by his love of laughter.

Is it a sign of wisdom and intelligence to make things complex or to simplify them while still making things better?

Einstein had three rules he applied to work and encouraged those around him to follow:

  1. Out of clutter find simplicity;

  2. From discord find harmony;

  3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Nothing shows simplicity like . The secret of the universe is unveiled with this little equation.

What is too complex in your work life?

Change it. Now.

Delete emails.

Close tabs on your browser.

Throw away magazines and papers on your desk along with the stack of business cards you’ll never look at. Simplify.

In Matthew 18:20, Jesus tells us that wherever two or more are gathered in His name, He’ll be there, too.

A spin on that, which I see far too often, is…

Wherever two or more are gathered, power struggles and discord can also be found.”

Always be a peacemaker, which may mean kicking someone in the ass who is a source of discord and un-peace.

Finally, welcome to the opportunity of a lifetime.

We’re in difficult times.

So what?

Have you been shot and had your career ended in an instant, found yourself hooked on opioids, and had to figure out the meaning of your life like former Navy SEAL Andy Stumpf?

Andy Stumpf Dinner 4-22-17
Andy Stumpf Wes Schaeffer Origin BJJ

In the Air Force we used to sing a jody call when we marched that had a great verse:

Ain’t no sense in lookin’ down. Ain’t no paycheck on the ground.”

We were complainers in the military when we were told what to do, what to think, what to eat and how to dress.

But this jody call reminded us to keep our heads held high as we moved forward despite our fatigue. We proceeded forward as a team, and we reached our objectives.

We achieved our goals.

You can, too.

Keep your head held high.

Find a great team.

Keep moving forward.

Now go sell something.