Encourage One Another

From today’s reading…

Brothers and sisters, rejoice.

Mend your ways, encourage one another,

agree with one another, live in peace,

and the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 Corinthians 13:11

Imagine BLM and the KKK agreeing with one another.Imagine Obama and Trump hugging it out.Imagine Democrats and Republicans voting together.Imagine Millennials and Boomers dancing with each other.

Start by supporting your wife.Start by encouraging your husband.Start by listening to your kids.Start by allowing that impatient driver to cut in front of you in traffic.Start by reading Facebook posts of your “enemies” with an open mind.Start by learning the history of those “no good Yankees up north.”Start by learning the history of those “backward hillbillies down south.”Start by learning the history of those “granola-eating left-coasters.”Start by going to a shooting range with your “gun-freak” neighbor.Start by going to a yoga class with your “woo-woo” neighbor.Start by inviting your “carnivore” friend over for a vegan meal.If you’re a Ford guy, go to your Chevy friend’s garage and help him one afternoon.If you’re a craft micro-brew connoisseur, bring a 6-pack of Bud-Light® to your neighbor’s and watch NASCAR with him.

You’re trying to boil the ocean with your bold actions and starting big movements but you don’t even know how to start a fire.

You can volunteer at your local food pantry or homeless shelter or invite your liberal/conservative/progressive/young/old/vegan/Yankee/redneck/tree-hugging/conspicuous-consuming neighbor over to jump in the pool or play cards or work on your car or have your kids play together or help them stain their fence or 100 other little things.

To make big things happen, start small. It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.