Eternally Espoused In His House

From today’s reading…

No more shall people call you ‘Forsaken,’

or your land ‘Desolate,’

but you shall be called ‘My Delight,’

and your land ‘Espoused.'”

Isaiah knew the power and blessings of marriage, thus the usage of the word “Espoused.”

Today in John we read about another marriage. It was the wedding at Cana, where Jesus performed His first public miracle, which was turning water into the finest of wines.

It is no accident or coincidence that Jesus chose a wedding to be the backdrop for His first miracle.

As a young man marries a virgin,

your Builder shall marry you;

and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride

so shall your God rejoice in you.”

Marriage is important. So important that God has chosen that for our eternal future with Him as long as we…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.