Face Your Fears and Your Foes

From today’s reading…

…if anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear together.”

I’ve punched more than a few guys in the face going back to kindergarten. (But it has been decades since the last time I’ve done it, so I have mellowed with age…and everyone either threw the first punch or literally invited me to do so, and I obliged. But I digress.)

But that’s not the interesting part of this story.

The interesting part is that out of all the fights I ever got into, I ended up or remained friends with all but one of those guys.

You may be wondering why I didn’t hug it out with that one guy and I’ll tell you.

He didn’t appear and fight me alone.

He brought his older brother and when he was losing his brother sucker-punched me from the side.

You and I may disagree on whether boys / men should resort to physical altercations to settle things, but I think we’d all agree that taking cheap shots on someone or having someone else do you bidding is what cowards do.

Today there’s no shortage of cowards. They just hide behind their keyboards with fake profiles and get their pack of cowards together to bully private citizens, business owners, and politicians that are not in lockstep agreement with them on whatever topic has them in a tissy at that moment.

Or they show up at rallies and marches with face-masks and hoodies and continue shouting down those the oppose and sucker punch those who won’t back down.

Maybe it’s time we bring back duels.

Or at least corporal punishment in schools, which we had in private and public schools at least until 1984.

And allowing—even encouraging—prayer in schools certainly couldn’t make things worse than they are.

But I digress.

This isn’t about “them” or “society.”

This is about you and me.

You and I need to get our houses in order.

We need to lead by example and set the pace for all to see as we…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.