Fat Cats Want You To Rat

From today’s reading…

The chief priests and Pharisees had by now given their orders: anyone who knew where he was must inform them so that they could arrest him.” John 11:57

For at least 2,000 years, the self-righteous occupying seats of power have called on their minions to spy on and rat on their neighbors.

My own county “health czar” authorized creating an app to rat out your neighbors who dared keep their businesses open during COVID.

A few months later, my city has done the same thing.

Now there is talk of a digital vaccine passport that travelers must show to today’s “chief priests and Pharisees” to travel, i.e., “SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS!”

The chief priests and Pharisees justified their fascist ways to show the Romans they were good little sheep.

They were afraid of the Romans coming in to occupy and oppress “the Holy Place and our nation,” so they chose who would live and who would die to remain comfortable in their comfy seats of power and status.

Sidebar: Jerusalem and the Holy Temple fell less than 40 years later, which is typical of myopic, selfish, morally-bereft leaders. They just kicked the can down the road so the next generation of leaders could take the blame. Sound familiar? I digress.

Take a stand.

Tell Fauci and Newsom and Cuomo and your county health czar and your local Karens and Kens you will not “inform them” so they can oppress your neighbors.

Tell them to stop kicking the can down the road, because sweeping your problems under the rug and looking for scapegoats for the problems your greed, avarice, and lust have created definitely will not help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.