Fear of God is The Root of Wisdom

From today’s reading…

The root of wisdom is fear of Yahweh; those who attain it are wise. His praise will continue for ever.” Psalm 111:10

The only fear in the lives of most today is FOMO, which is fine if you were afraid of missing out on heaven.

Unfortunately, those who are considered wise today—i.e., the gaggle of “thought-leaders” than run thick as thieves online—either think heaven is Neverland and not to be discussed, or they think they already have one foot in because their hip pastor with the rockin’ band and fog machine said so.

You know God is calling you to more.

Listen to your little voice.

That’s the Holy Spirit leading you to wisdom.

Question today’s noise-makers and seekers-of-fame.

Question the easy peasy, lemon squeezy prosperity theology.

Stop worrying about hanging with the cool kids and going along to get along.

It’s time to speak up, rise up, and wisen up.

Fear no man, no politician, no dictator, no terrorist.

They can only harm your body.

Fear the Lord and follow his loving guidance, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.