Festus Hauls Paul to the Hall

From today’s reading…

‘When confronted with him, his accusers did not charge him with any of the crimes I had expected; but they had some argument or other with him about their own religion and about a dead man called Jesus whom Paul alleged to be alive.’” Acts 25:18-19

 Like a Planned Parenthood abortion mill, the Jews of Paul’s time had the power of life and death over their fellow Jews, but unlike an innocent child in his mother’s womb, the Jews had to prove the person they wanted to be killed actually committed something worthy of death, but I digress.

Paul knew this. Paul knew how “preposterous” his claims about Jesus were.

He knew how blasphemous his claims were to traditional Jews.

Paul knew they could kill him for what he was preaching.

Despite knowing the risks, Paul never backed down.

In fact, the more they pressed him, the louder and bolder he became, which led to his eventual martyrdom.

We’re surrounded by people who believe in the wrong things, yet are rarely called out on them, i.e., Nancy Pelosi has been involved in politics and baby murder since 1981, yet only in the last couple of weeks has a bishop (Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone) spoken up and denied her Holy Communion for her heretical claims and actions.

A few other bishops are now stepping up to support Archbishop Cordileone, which is bittersweet. He should have the support of every deacon, priest, monsignor, bishop, archbishop, cardinal, and the 1.329 billion so-called Catholics in the world. (Every “Christian” should as well, but some of our wayward brothers and sisters in Christ think women and homosexuals can be priests, so we have even more work to do with them, but I digress.)

It’s time to speak up and speak out. It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.