Find Any Lead Fast With Brandon Bornancin of

Click here to download the episode. 

  • Was an entrepreneur when he was 19 and built gambling software

  • Lost $4 million building a text messaging company when online gambling was outlawed

  • Went into Corporate sales

  • Got frustrated doing redundant grunt work in his CRMs

  • He didn’t understand the B2B space at first

  • Taught himself sales by reading hundreds of sales books

  • IBM’s Watson division was new and the training was terrible

  • Get his books

    • “Sales Secrets”

    • “Whatever It Takes”

  • Predictable, repeatable sales systems are needed

  • Went to Google to sell something “easier”

  • Built an overseas research team at IBM to help him find contacts

  • Built a search engine at Google to find contacts and titles

  • Leveraged AI he learned from IBM to perfect his search

You don’t change my scripts until you hit quota.”

  • The phone still works in B2B sales today

  • They’ve booked 406 sales calls in 24 hours with a small team

  • Great salespeople can multi-task

  • He finds cell phones, direct dials, and emails for his leads

  • Corporate directories are death today in COVID

  • Most people don’t mind you calling their cell phones today

  • Took him years to build this complex platform

  • The founders of Google invested in him eventually

  • $0 to $10,000 in MRR is pre-seed capital

  • $10,000 to $100,000 MRR you go to seed round (up to $5 million)

  • When you’re confident you raise funding

  • You gotta know your numbers

  • He is very prescriptive in his approach for his salespeople

    • Scripts

    • Strategies

    • Plays

  • Gives his salespeople the latitude to customize their approach

  • You don’t change my scripts until you hit quota

  • Don’t get too creative

  • Don’t invent. Block and tackle!

  • He built a meritocracy

  • Had an office in the Amazon building since they invested in him and one in Columbus, OH

  • Shut down Columbus when the governor shut down the state due to COVID

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Visit Seamless to get Brandon’s books and free sales leads