Find The Lost

From today’s reading…

Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

This is what Jesus told the 12 initially.

Sure, later he sent them out in pairs far and wide but early on He knew that they had to get their own house in order first.

That’s a tall order because “no prophet is accepted in his own native place.”

It’s much easier to grab a backpack, fly to Haiti or Kenya or Indonesia, pass out some Band Aids and bottled water, take a few selfies with some impoverished children, and come home a week later sipping a chardonnay in business class than it is to…

  • have an intervention with your brother,

  • help your sister with depression,

  • go to marriage counseling with your spouse,

  • help your daughter with body image issues,

  • teach your son that being man takes more than growing a beard or getting a tattoo,

  • care for an elderly parent with arthritis or dementia,

  • give counsel and support to a widowed neighbor.

This is why salespeople want to critique the marketing brochures and the marketing department wants to criticize the sales team’s prospecting.

Remove the splinter from your own eye.

I can’t force a prospect to buy from me but I can force myself to get up early, make the calls, knock on the doors, attend the trade shows, and put myself in position to make every sale.

I can’t force my kids—especially my grown kids—to eat right, exercise, go to church, be loving, kind, and generous but I can lead by example.

Gathering, leading, and protecting lost sheep is hard work.

Do the work.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.