Fire Up Your Speaking With David Hutchison

Bring This One Thing To The Surface and Don’t Go In To Educate

Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

Speaking Tips you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast…

  • How to promote yourself in the eyes of your prospects

  • How to position yourself in the marketplace

  • What he learned from selling for Tony Robbins for years

  • Why you need to stop using the word “presenting”

  • How speaking is like the game Monopoly

  • The three things you need to do to make your presentation count

  • The #1 attitude you must take in with you to your talk

  • What to do with PowerPoint so you make a great connection with your audience

  • What to focus on first and foremost to bond with your attendees

  • Where the real power lies in your session

  • How to keep 73% of your lost audience more engaged and tuned in

  • The negative feedback 95% of audiences gave about presentations and how you can use that to your advantage

  • What you need to bring to the surface to persuade your audience

  • How your attitude at dinner can help you better during your presentation

  • How to view your own slides

  • The 5×5 concept for making powerful slides that connect and convert

  • What to do with pictures on your slides

  • Whether presenters are born or made

  • What you were built to do

Catch Up on The Previous Episode of The Sales Podcast

Yes you can create predictable revenue with predictable prospecting and Marylou Tyler explains how. Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,