Fishers of Men

From today’s reading…

And he said to them, ‘Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.’” Matthew 4:19

Why did Jesus choose fishermen to be His first apostles?

We all know that water is life, so it makes sense that Jesus first called those who had mastered navigating, harvesting from, and working on water to be with Him. (Heck, Peter even walked on water…for a moment!)

Fishermen are brave.

While it can be risky to go into the wild to hunt, at least you’re always on solid ground. You can hunker down under a tree or inside a cave and build a fire if the elements turn against you, but if a storm surprises you on the water, you better keep your wits about you.

Fishermen also know how to give and receive orders.

Boats have captains.

Captains earn the trust of their crew, and the crew must work quickly and in unison as the captain gives commands to ensure their safety and their production.

While Jesus also brought glory to the world of carpentry and farming, shepherding and even tax collecting, He started with fishermen because, despite the elements, the wind, the rain, the cold, the stormy waters, the heavy loads, the futile trips, the torn nets, the tired muscles, the aching bones, the calloused hands, they know how to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.