Follow This Blueprint To Grow Sales With Deb Calvert

Know exactly what to do to grow sales with direct input from the buyers you’re trying to reach

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Sales Tips you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast

  • Salespeople are good people with a bad rap

  • Salespeople lose sight 

  • Buyers and sellers have their guard up all the time so the transaction is prone to conflict

  • Typical salespeople look for examples across the marketplace and do “what everyone else does”

  • Sales management is different from sales

  • There is no formal sales training program so bad habits are carried forward

  • Conduct surveys and field observation to customize the training

  • There are no shortcuts

  • Do you want to effect change or just check a box?

  • The book researched 530 B2B buyers

    • 30 behaviors

    • Big gap found

  • Through research we know that sales leaders and salespeople are born and made

  • Buyers commented the most on the seller follows through on their commitments

  • The phone is alive and well

  • Inbound is great but outbound is still effective

  • Buyers do not want fishing expedition calls

    • They want value

    • They want an experience

    • Ask questions that make them think

    • Be more purposeful

  • Before CRMs we had paper and tracked things about our leads

    • You can still do that

    • Pure persistence is not enough  

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Listen To Previous Episodes of The Sales Podcast 

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast 

  • Get her books