From Foster Child To Fostering Dreams (Josh Shipp)

Josh is a former foster child that is now “Helping adults understand teens & teens understand themselves.” His mom was 17 when he was born and placed him in the foster care system. He lived in a dozen homes, suffered abuse, was suicidal but ended up in a loving home at the age of 14. He suddenly found himself in a loving, caring family.

Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story…

And that became his mission.

Greatest Sales Success

  • He realized he owned a job, not a business, when he was building his speaking business and realized if he was going to scale his impact and income he had to create systems.

  • It’s a mixed blessing being good at something because it’s hard for you to let go and let someone do it for you.

Mistakes Business Owners Make

  • They don’t see money as amoral. When you serve more people and help them improve their lives you’ll make more money and that’s fine.

  • They don’t give themselves enough at-bats.

  • Once they master their craft they allow themselves to get comfortable.

What Are You Doing Daily To Grow

  • Fear is holding us back. Do what’s good for your business, not just your ego. You are qualified. Nobody gives us permission. Put a stake in the ground and go for it. To be great, start with a decent first draft and be sure to only get inspired – not discouraged – by looking at other leaders in your industry. It’s more about what you learn than what you earn.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip

  • Anytime I’m stuck, need a breakthrough…it always saves you years, tears and dollar bills to hire an expert to help you.

  • Become THE choice in the marketplace but set aside your perfectionism and lock up your control freak…but it’s hard!

  • As you grow, more and more opportunities present themselves but more is not better. Better is better.

  • Always ask “How can this work in my business?”

  • Don’t create your programs in a vacuum.

  • Get to know the personas of your prospects.

  • Push through your fears. Get around people that inspire you.

  • Take action on something that’s good for you but scares you.

  • Wishful thinking is not a strategy.

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