From King Cyrus to King George (Strait)

From today’s reading…

In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia,

in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah,

the LORD inspired King Cyrus of Persia

to issue this proclamation throughout his kingdom,…”

This is from the opening of Ezra and based on the known history of Cyrus, this was around 538 B.C.

Jeremiah was written maybe 50-60 years before Ezra, which may seem like a short period of time for a “powerful prophesy,” but keep this in mind.

Fifty years ago the United States was deeply enmeshed in the Vietnam War, which was covered by thousands of journalists and reporters from around the world in print, radio, television, and movies and yet, despite the recency and documentation of that protracted war, most everyone under 40 years of age in “the greatest country the world has ever known” can’t find Vietnam on a map or tell you which U.S. Presidents were in office during the war.

Now here we are, 2,500 years later, reading and contemplating the words of prophets that correctly predicted the actions of kings.

That’s the power of God, who chose to bring you into this world, just as He brought Ezra, Cyrus, Jeremiah, and even George Strait, the King of Country!

Knowing you are in such powerful company and loved by the Creator of them all should be enough motivation to help you to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.