From The Wicked The Way Is Withheld

From today’s reading…

But from the wicked the light is withheld, and the arm of pride is shattered.”

Wicked is a strong word.

What’s more wicked is how we’re now afraid to call wicked things—and people—wicked, which is wicked.

Yet it applies to far too many of us far too often.

Pornography, adultery, abortion, corporate espionage, embezzlement, sexual assault, lying (about judges), stealing (elections), intellectual property theft, and maybe even road rage are all wicked.

So you and I have been wicked. We have evil in our hearts. We have done evil things. We can do more evil things if we are not careful.

When we let our guard down we allow wicked ways to become acceptable, then they become the norm.

Then we get shattered.

Excuses last a lifetime. Success—and reaching heaven is the only success that matters—requires daily discipline, so…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.