Get On The Sales Call Overhaul With Jeremy Pope

Hire Givers Because You Can’t Train People To Be Good

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Cold Calling Tips you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast

Sales Overview

How long have you been in sales? Since 2000

How did you get started? Was “selling his body to attorneys.” Title searches.

What is the impact of sales on your life? Taught him the importance of service. It’s more than customer service. The attitude of giving. It’s hard to train people on that.

He’s the firstborn and wasn’t a caring person as a child or teenager. When he got into sales he had to pay attention to what the customer wanted.

In 2002 he was selling ACT prep and was learning NLP and self-hypnosis to help himself with memory. This gave him exposure to a sales process.

What do you like most about sales? A lot of the sales things. Having meaningful work means something. Impacting the lives of his clients means a lot. He likes having options, which being a sales professional gives him.

What sales method do you follow? Sandler (follows about 70%). Likes the way they teach how to close first. “This is what I do!”

Jordan Belfort “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Straightline Sales. It’s not a client-focused approach. He’s one of the best at tonality. They can frame an issue. He’s good with objection handling. He teaches a looping technique similar to Tom Hopkins so it doesn’t feel like an ambush.

What is the name of your best sales manager ever? Matt McClellan at Radio Shack. 

What made this manager so good? He was full of praise and kept the sales environment so healthy.

What made your worst manager so bad? Lack of fun. Totally focused on the numbers and lead with threats. Jeremy loves Barbara Corcoran. Jeremy loves quality time. She sells to her salespeople.

How do you prepare for a big meeting? Don’t let that dynamic enter your space. He was in the off-liner space helping old-school brick-and-mortar companies get online. He had seven contacts at one company and it was taxing.

Make a few notes and get clear on the outcomes and goals and what the prospect wants, their communication style, etc. and get on with it. He prays that he is in a giving attitude.

Don’t sell what they can shop for.

The top three things that matter are…

Selling Track Record

What is the most you ever sold in a year? $3 million. He was not in high ticket sales for a long time. He did sales training for Guthy-Renker. He often jumped into sales training too soon because of his ego.

What is the biggest order you ever booked? In South Georgia homes were only about $320,000.

How long did it take to book your biggest order? Bigger deals usually go easier. They ask hard questions but close quickly.

Why did the customer buy from you? He does not know. He was not a great mortgage broker due to being burned in college with debt but he believed in it enough to hustle and he knew he offered the best choice in the industry. 

What did you learn from the process? Sell what you believe in. Don’t sell to do damage control. He likes helping high-performance people achieve more.

The key is finding the right problem to solve. But finding the right problem to solve is key. It’s more than shining the light on the pain. Help them learn.

That can be taught but great attitudes cannot be taught. 

What is the biggest order you ever lost? Lost a big mortgage.

Why was the order lost? Don’t take people at their word. “Trust but verify.”

What was learned from the loss? Don’t assume everyone buys the same way you do. 

Private Life

What is in your library? Courses like Jake Laraine, Mike Kooch, Dan Kennedy, Guerrilla Marketing, and Roy Williams.

What are you reading now? “Hug Your People” by Jack Mitchell. Gotta fulfill after the sale.

What is your favorite movie? “The Matrix” and “The Lego Movie”

Who is a role model to you? His dad is a fifth-generation farmer. Steady. Faith. Raised five kids. Homeschooled them.

Scott Mcfall is a hypnosis mentor of his as well.

How do you relax? He rides an electric wheel called a King Song 14-C.

What 3 people would you like to have over for dinner?

  1. People that are one or two steps ahead of him remember how they overcame their issues.

  2. Benjamin Franklin

  3. The Sales Whisperer®

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Sales Call Overhaul Private Facebook Group

    • If you sell a high-ticket item (over $2k) they’ll break it down.

    • No MLM or New Age stuff

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.