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Get the Premier Position To Make More Sales With David Newman

Win In the Attention Economy 

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Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • His book makes “for great bathroom reading”

  • Speaking is the ultimate one-to-many sales and marketing strategy

  • When you’re in front of your target audience you have the halo effect of expertise, trust-worthiness, and knowledge

  • You’re in the premier position

  • You have something to say

  • You have something to sell

  • There is unprecedented power that only comes from speaking

  • You must build your personal brand

  • It’s more important than your business brand

  • Read Bryan Kramer, “There is No B2B or B2C: It’s Human to Human #H2H

  • We’re in the people business

  • Podcasting, webinars, live-streaming, YouTube, etc. are also speaking avenues

  • We’re living in the attention economy

  • Put compelling value into the marketplace

  • Offer value and invite engagement

  • You don’t get married on the first date

  • Speaking lets you build personal relationships at scale

  • We’re sellers and also buyers

  • Alan Weiss “the shortcut is the long way.” Get his book “Million Dollar Consulting: The Professional’s Guide to Growing a Practice, Fifth Edition

  • “If you’re going to sell fire extinguishers, you must first show the fire.” David Ogilvy

  • What is the problem you are solving?

  • What insight do you offer them?

  • Accelerate and shorten the path to success for your prospects

  • Go to Google and find where your ideal prospects congregate

  • Find a chapter meeting

  • Visit the meeting and see if the right demographics attend

  • Then reach out and let them know you just attended a meeting and ask to be considered

  • Action words beat learning words in your presentation description

  • Think about the outcomes, i.e. go into “resume mode” with action words

  • “After this program your members will be able to boost, eliminate,…”

  • Your sales will explode

  • You’ll get paid to generate leads and/or paid to speak

  • Visibility. Credibility. Shareability.

  • Be everywhere your prospects are

  • Fish where the fish are

  • Your mindset has to be to offer value and invite engagement to help

  • Be of great service to your audience whether they take the next step or not

  • The conversion process starts when you open your mouth

  • You are building trust from the moment you step on stage

  • You give proof with case studies, before-and-after, customer stories, etc.

  • Weave customer stories into your lessons and teaching points to also help eliminate objections

  • This is also social proof and shows that “the water is warm”

  • Open your phone and book a call with your attendees as you stand by the stage

  • Specificity is the key to success

  • Make your “Active 20” list of associations or groups you’d like to speak to

  • Google “conference, meeting, association, state conference” etc.

  • Constantly refresh this action 20 list

  • Make that initial outreach and make it all about them. Find a topic they haven’t addressed that you do.

  • When and what to charge

  • Is this a lead-generation or an income-producing talk?

  • If it’s not your target market but you have a good message that can help them then charge

  • If it’s a target-rich conference then you can offer to waive your fee to get in front of the best people

  • Your pricing is your positioning

  • You need to be over $4,500 to be seen as a professional

  • The sweet spot is between $5,000 to $10,000

  • NYT Best-Selling authors are in the $20,000 range

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

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