Get Two of My Best-Selling CD’s For FREE!

Get These Two CDs For FREE To Go Along With “The Weekly Whisper”

To show my appreciation for you taking the time to sign up for “The Weekly Whisper” you may get two of my best-selling sales training resources for free*!

*”How can I give these CDs away for free*?” Let’s get real for a minute. These CDs cost me less than $1 each to print. When you cover the shipping and handling I break even, I know you’re a motivated entrepreneur that is interested in growing, and you get two great resources to help you grow.

If you apply what you learn and you do indeed grow your business, you’ll at least speak highly of me if not come back and buy additional products or services from me. You might also take advantage of the little bonus offer I have on the next page when you go to check out.

THAT’S why and I how I can offer these for just the cost of shipping and handling.

When you click on the Order Now button below you will be taken to a page where you can own both The Seven Deadly Sins of Selling and “Making Good Money In Bad Times“ CD’s for free.

Each CD sells for $39.97 separately.

But today, right now, you can own and benefit from both, for free. Just pay shipping & handling.

Your purchase is backed by my normal 100% swim-through-alligator-infested-waters-to-listen-to-these-CDs-again-money-back-guarantee, which means if you aren’t so thrilled with these CDs that you’d swim through alligator infested waters to get them back if a friend or co-worker took them from you and went on vacation on a tropical island surrounded by alligators then just let me know and I’ll refund your credit card and you can keep the CD’s! How’s that for an iron-clad guarantee?!

Just scroll down below or click here to place your order now while it’s fresh on your mind.

Good Selling.

Get These Two Great Sales Training CDs For Free*

Order excellent sales training resources from The Sales Whisperer.