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Get Your Own Infusionsoft Implementation Accelerator In SoCal

What comes to mind when I say “the big three?”

Some might say:

  • Ford, Chrysler, GM


  • WWII Allies leaders (Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt)

  • Credit agencies

  • Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, Princeton)

  • Service Academies (Air Force, West Point, Annapolis) Go Air Force!

  • Larry, Moe and Curly

40 years ago there was no ambiguity. The Big Three were ABC, CBS and NBC (not counting those UHF fuzzy stations on that tiny little dial.)

Dinner was planned around The Muppets and The 6 Million Dollar Man.

You RAN to beat your siblings to the bathroom during commercial breaks. 

There were rudimentary remote controls called “clickers” because they were honkin’ mechanical things that clicked the channel up or down—and the dial actually rotated. (All analog back then. Click. Click. Click. Done.)

We sang along with the jingles for Kelloggs and we were scared to knock the battery off of Robert Conrad’s shoulder, even though he dared us. (Name the battery company that ran that ad below in the Comments.)

Half of the nation today has no idea what I’m talking about. 25% has forgotten what I’m talking about. (The remaining 25% are forgetting it quickly.)

Bob Dylan warned us we’ll get hurt if we stall in The Times They Are A-Changin’.

The days of being forced to watch or listen to whatever some big, fat corporation with their “Mad Men creatives” wanted to cram down your throat, when they wanted to cram it, are almost completely over. Why?

  • Cable TV

  • Walkmans (remember those?)

  • Betamax (remember those?)

  • VCRs

  • Satellite TV

  • iPods

  • The internet (thank you Algore)

  • Satellite radio

  • Fiber optics to the home

  • iPhones

  • DVRs (TiVo)

I have an app on my iPhone that lets me login to my Verizon FIOS DVR from anywhere to set the recorder for any show I want to watch. That means I haven’t watched a commercial on TV or listened to one on the radio without intentionally wanting to in about 8 years. (Heck, we don’t even read billboards anymore because we’re too busy talking on the phone, texting, doing email, social media updates and/or switching through our 142 XM channels or 32 Gigs of iPhone music to read a billboard. And you think “big business” still has an advantage over you?)

Fast Is The New Big

That’s the question big business still hasn’t answered, but they will.

As a small business owner you have an advantage that helps olympians win medals, Tom Cruise make movies, and gazelles get home for dinner.

Your Advantage is Speed.

As the owner of your business you decide:

  • How fast you take action.

  • How massively you take action.

  • When to test a new sales pitch.

  • Where to test a new marketing concept.

  • How to leverage social media.

  • How to incorporate video into your marketing.

  • When to use direct mail, radio, email, voice broadcasts, or all of the above.

At the Sales & Marketing Acceleration you’ll be surrounded by other responsible freedomers,” all of whom embrace their business ownership, their need for speed and see abundant opportunities available just sitting there for the swift of sales and marketing foot.

Will you join us?

Good Selling,

Wes Schaeffer Infusionsoft Sales & Sales Training Signature