Give Evil Ones Your Cheek

From today’s reading…

But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil.

When someone strikes you on your right cheek,

turn the other one as well.” Matthew 5:39

Nearly two and half years ago I sold a 13-year old Ford Excursion “to one who is evil.”

This Orange County business owner paid $19,500 for my truck without even looking at it or having it inspected. Instead, he sent his son out on two different occasions to look at it, then had him sign for it on behalf of their company.

Three weeks later he told us the truck was missing some upgrades he wanted (but never confirmed it had).

He really pitched a fit and threatened to sue us in “big boy court” so I offered to just unwind the deal. (I tried to offer no resistance.)

Through the attorney he had on retainer for his business, he said he would sell us back the truck if we also reimbursed him for the $8,000 in upgrades he said he had already put into it. (Who puts $8,000 into a 13-year old truck they supposedly aren’t happy with?)

The thought of paying an extra $8,000 for a truck I just sold didn’t sit well with me so we consulted not one, not two, but three different attorneys who all said he had no case because used cars are sold “As-Is” in the state of California and to ignore his demands.

So we ignored his demands.

A few months go by and we think we’ve heard the last of him.


Hello $25,000 lawsuit for fraud and four other things his lawyer tried to pile on to justify this outrageous amount.

Fast forward two years. TWO YEARS!

After $2,000 in filing and paralegal fees, hundreds of hours of research and worry, finally, just two weeks ago, we paid him $5,000 per a mediated settlement, to go away and leave us the hell alone.

Is it some consolation that he paid over $10,000 to “win” $5,000 from us? Yeah. A little.

But this guy was/is a sad, angry, manipulative, vindictive human being.

I feel sorry for him and for his son who sees how his father does business.

In hindsight, I could’ve and should’ve offered even less resistance.

I should’ve gotten an upgraded truck back from him for $10,000 out of pocket—when you add in the sales tax, registration fees, and $8k he put into it—and I would’ve saved two years of my life and a whole lot of familial stress.

As usual, following the words of Jesus in the Gospels is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.