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Give Thanks For Challenges and The Strength To Overcome Them

There once was an arrogant outsider who came uninvited to strut his stuff.

For an unimaginable 40 days he taunted his hosts.

He was bigger than life, dressed to the 9’s and talked a lot of smack.

On the 40th day a lowly, nearly nude shepherd approached the arrogant one and cut Goliath’s head off with Goliath’s own sword. 1 Samuel 17.

David needed Goliath to reach his full potential.

Do you cower when faced with a formidable challenge and challenger or do you dig deep to find your full potential?

David answered the challenge immediately.

You must, too. 

I am brave or I am ignorant but I accept the challenge.

Embrace the challenge and give thanks to God for the strength to shoulder the burden of the battle.

I chose to:

  • Grow my business.

  • Not place blame.

  • Be the change I want in my world, my nation, my neighborhood, my church.

  • No longer complain.

  • Focus my energies on productive endeavors.

  • Stay informed.

  • Trust my own research.

  • Prepare for adversity.

  • Plan for success.

  • Pray more often and with more conviction.

  • Take care of myself.

  • Provide for my family.

  • Lead.

Losing is no fun. Being blind-sided by the loss is nearly crushing.

But disasters bring clarity.

The election results of Nov 6, 2012 has put the Doers on notice. We can no longer claim ignorance or hold out false hope.

Stand tall and stand firm in the face of the coming headwinds.

We must navigate the coming storm. We will navigate the coming storm. And in doing so, legends—and legacies—will be made.

Keep the faith.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,

Wes Schaeffer Infusionsoft Sales & Sales Training Signature