Give The Beggar a Hand

From today’s reading…

Peter said, ‘I have neither silver nor gold,

but what I do have I give you:

in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, rise and walk.’”

Peter understood the power he had been given—the same power you and I have been given through our baptism in Christ—namely, the Holy Spirit.

And as always Peter leads by example.

He was going to the temple to pray with John when they saw the crippled beggar and offered him his hand.

How’d the beggar respond? 

He leaped up, stood, and walked around,

and went into the temple with them,

walking and jumping and praising God.”

You have everything that the beggar has and more. Are you leaping and praising God or are you bad-mouthing the lack of foam in your coffee, the waiter who is slow bringing you more free chips and salsa, and the extra pollen in the Spring air dusting your newly-washed car?

You can “amaze” and “astonish” the world by smiling and presenting yourself with joy.

By channeling the power of the Holy Spirit, you can bring that smile to everyone you meet.

But only if you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.