Give Them Something To Frown About

From today’s reading…

Why did you lead us out of Egypt,

only to bring us to this wretched place

which has neither grain nor figs nor vines nor pomegranates?”

There’s a lot of complaining documented in the Old Testament, isn’t there?

If you’re tired of reading about the whining and complaining of the Israelites let me ask you something. How much do you complain?

How often do you take proactive steps to change what you don’t like instead of whine and complain like the Israelites in the desert?

Yeah, yeah. You’re going through some tough times. You’ve been dealt a bad hand. You’ve EARNED THE RIGHT to complain, right?

You’ve EARNED THE RIGHT to tell us what a jerk your ex is, how demanding your boss is, how bad traffic is, how corrupt the politician you don’t like is, how slow the internet is, how the airline mistreated you, how bad your Uber driver smells, and how expensive the shade-grown, fair-trade, organic, non-GMO pomegranates are at Whole Foods.

You can look for the bad or the good in your daily life and you will find it. So stop complaining. Fewer friends than you think really care, either because they have their own struggles or they’re not as good a friend as you thought and your enemies love to see you struggle.

So give your enemies something to frown about and your friends something to smile about, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.